ASP.NET Web PDF Document Viewer/Editor Control LibraryIn Listing 3-5, we defined the relationships between the beans explicitly in terms of their names. There is an alternative. Some Spring bean factories are capable of something known as autowiring. Here a bean s dependencies are not explicitly stated. Instead, the container will automatically determine the appropriate dependencies to inject. This sounds pretty clever, but in fact the mechanism used to determine which beans to inject into which dependency is quite straightforward. The properties available to be set on a bean can be determined by using normal Java reflection at runtime. You can choose to perform the autowiring on the basis of the property name, in which case a property called session would be populated from a bean definition also called session. You can alternatively choose to perform the autowiring on the basis of the property type in which case a method called setFoo that took a Session property would be assigned the first bean defined as having type Session. It really is that simple. An additional mode is defined that first tries to set the dependencies by name, and then resorts to setting them by type if no suitably named bean can be found. The code in Listing 3-8 shows a configuration of our LooselyCoupled class with the SMTP transport implementation. The LooselyCoupled class is configured to use autowiring of the constructor (see Table 3-2). There is no need to give the transport an id attribute, because the name will not be needed to inject the attribute. winforms pdf 417 reader, winforms qr code reader, winforms upc-a reader, winforms data matrix reader, winforms ean 128 reader, winforms ean 13 reader, c# remove text from pdf, find and replace text in pdf using itextsharp c#, winforms code 39 reader, c# remove text from pdf,BoneContent of the model s skeleton. Note that the Content Pipeline has its own classes to store the model s animation data: the AnimationContent, AnimationChannel, and AnimationKeyframe classes. The AnimationContent class stores a complete model animation as an array of AnimationChannel objects, where each AnimationChannel object stores the animation of a single bone as an array of AnimationKeyframe objects. Also, XNA s AnimationContent class stores the animation of each bone separately, while you are storing them together in a single array. The following are the general steps necessary to extract the model s animations: Go through all the AnimationContent objects of the animation dictionary, containing full animations such as walking and jumping. For each full animation, go through all its bone channels, which can be accessed from the Channels property. For each bone, extract all its animation keyframes, which can be accessed from the Keyframes property. This is exactly what the code for the ExtractAnimations method does: private AnimationData[] ExtractAnimations( AnimationContentDictionary animationDictionary, List<string> boneNameList, ContentProcessorContext context) { context.Logger.LogImportantMessage("{0} animations found.", animationDictionary.Count); AnimationData[] animations = new AnimationData[animationDictionary.Count]; int count = 0; foreach (AnimationContent animationContent in animationDictionary.Values) { // Store all keyframes of the animation List<Keyframe> keyframes = new List<Keyframe>(); // Go through all animation channels // Each bone has its own channel foreach (string animationKey in animationContent.Channels.Keys) { AnimationChannel animationChannel = animationContent.Channels[animationKey]; int boneIndex = boneNameList.IndexOf(animationKey); foreach (AnimationKeyframe keyframe in animationChannel) keyframes.Add(new Keyframe( keyframe.Time, boneIndex, keyframe.Transform)); } <bean class="com.apress.coupling.SmtpImpl" /> <bean class="com.apress.coupling.LooselyCoupled" autowire="constructor"/> Listing 3-9 shows that beans can readily be extracted from the factory by type, but the usage is necessarily less compact because a request for a bean of a particular type is not guaranteed to return a single instance. There could in principle be a dozen beans of type LooselyCoupled, all configured with different names. // Sort all animation frames by time keyframes.Sort(); animations[count++] = new AnimationData(animationContent.Name, animationContent.Duration, keyframes.ToArray()); } return animations; } After all the keyframes of an animation have been stored, you should sort them by time, as this will allow you to easily move from one keyframe to the next, which is very important when it comes to playing the animation. As the keyframes are stored in a List and you implemented the IComparable interface for the KeyFrame class, you can use the Sort method to sort them. Remember that the IComparable interface you previously implemented in the Keyframe class sorts the KeyFrame objects by their time attribute. At this point, you have the model s skeleton and animations extracted and stored in a friendly format, ready to be written to a binary XNB file. final Collection<LooselyCoupled> beans = (Collection<LooselyCoupled>) ctx.getBeansOfType(LooselyCoupled.class).values(); for( final LooselyCoupled bean : beans ) { bean.sendMessage();} The benefit of autowiring is that it reduces the verbosity of the configuration, but I don t personally feel that this is a big enough advantage to compensate for some of the issues that arise from its use. Note You can find more information about the List generic class and IComparable interface in C# help